I’m a political scientist (Dr. phil., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) currently based at the University of Münster. My research covers democratic theory, authoritarianism, constitutional politics, and American pragmatism.


Broadly speaking, I study ideas and practices that societies employ to organize their common affairs. Past projects have focused on the development of the concept of the democratic state, constitution-making practices, and the role of constitutional courts. In ongoing research projects I work on the authoritarian populist mimicry of democratic practices, theories of economic democracy, and decision-making practices of citizens‘ assemblies.


I have numerous published works, including the 2022 special issue “Critical Problems and Pragmatist Solutions” in Philosophy and Social Criticism and the 2020 book “The Failure of Popular Constitution Making in Turkey” with Cambridge University Press.


Since August 2023, I serve as one of the editors for the Journal of Political Sociology.